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To pick up a new fitness habit , pair it with an everyday activity you already do.

The routine, which she calls “Pawsitive Steps,” is a simple yet effective way to incorporate exercise into daily life. Kee, a 35-year-old fitness enthusiast, noticed that her dog, Teddy Ruffsavel, was becoming increasingly lethargic. She realized that her own fitness routine had become stagnant and needed a change. Inspired by her dog’s need for more activity, Kee decided to create a new exercise routine that would not only benefit her dog but also herself.

She emphasizes the power of habit stacking, where you link a new habit to an existing one. For example, she suggests pairing a new habit like stretching after brushing your teeth. This way, stretching becomes a natural extension of your morning routine, making it more likely to stick. The effectiveness of habit stacking relies on the power of association. This association is based on the brain’s natural tendency to learn and remember things through repetition. The more you repeat a behavior, the stronger the association becomes.

Rubin’s research suggests that pairing a new habit with an existing one can significantly increase the likelihood of success. This is because the existing habit provides a natural cue for the new habit, making it easier to remember and perform. For example, if you want to start exercising regularly, pairing it with an existing habit like brushing your teeth in the morning could be effective. You can easily remember to exercise after brushing your teeth, as it becomes a natural part of your morning routine.

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